My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

New Beginnings

I guess it is time to get back at it and update you on our "circus" of a life........
Most of you may know that Tim and I have split up due to unforeseen circumstances.  BUT, life goes on and the girls are moving at a quick pace!  I think that Tim would agree, that the girls are stepping along to their own beat.  I feel like they are learning new things everyday and teaching me new things at every moment! 
The girls and I have moved to a new home (please email me for new address) and the girls are both very excited to have and decorate their OWN bedrooms.  The house on Glendale is under contract and should be sold by the end of the month. I am very excited for this huge accomplishment!  
Miss Hazel is in Kindergarten this year and rockin' it!  We both LOVE her teacher and she has been a huge blessing to me.  She is a priceless asset during this confusing time.  Hazel just turned 6 and is extremely happy to let you know it!
Willa is slowing getting ready to pass the hump between 2 and 3.  She is talking like a champ and Hazel believes that Willa "talks and talks and talks!"  Willa is potty trained and loved getting a big-girl bed when we moved to the new house.  
Both of the girls are in Ballet this year!  Hazel has a combo class of Ballet and Jazz.  Willa's class is a beginning Ballet and creative movement class.  These classes make for a very long Thursday night but they love it and are very good dancers!  They obviously got their coordination from their dad!  
I hope that you are all well and getting ready for a very Merry Christmas!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Kellan loves to laugh at his mommy!

Hazel taped this (she did a pretty good job) video of Kellan.  Sommer is getting him to smile. I eventually stared at him long enough that he found my face silly enough to laugh at!

Kellan comes home!

Here is a video of Kellan being sooooo darn cute!  Tom and Sommer were allowed to bring Kellan home ofr the first time on Tuesday and they are completely inamored with him(as am I.) He is doing very well and is completely healthy with the exception of a nasty diaper-rash!  Poor kid poops to much now! I am fascinated by Kellan's size, he is just barely 8 pounds at three months old!  Despite his size he acts just like a three month old, smiling, squirming and starting to kick his legs back and forth.  He can hold his head up very well while staring at Tom and Sommer.  Hazel CAN"T wait untill she can hold and touch him and take him out to play!