My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Friday, February 27, 2009

2009 Dodge Ball Champions

The dodge ball season is officially over and Tims team took the championship! The last night is always the most tense of the season. Over the first couple weeks it seems all of these people and the teams are friends and it is fun and games. NOW, on the last night of the finals they all seem to hate each other and the tension is thick in the air. The bickering and fighting is almost always expected. The good news is that Tim's team won the championship and he didn't RE-hurt is sprained ankle! Congrats guys!

Willa's Baby Shower

Willa is about to make her first appearance and I thought that I should start our new blog with her Baby Shower. My wonderful friend, Jen Crank, threw me a beautiful baby shower and I had a total blast.
My mom and mother-in-law were there to help and a ton of friends and co-workers came to join me. One of my best friends from Cheyenne, Mel, drove up and it was great having her there. Thank you so much everyone for all of your support and good wishes!

I think that I will have to ask Tim to build a new shed in the back yard to store all of this baby stuff! It amazes me how much stuff you can acquire for such a little person!

My mom made an adorable diaper cake. I have heard of this before but have never seen one. Great job mom, it looked so cute, I really didn't want to take it apart! There were little baby socks pinned on all the layers and a ton of foam scrapbook stickers that I saved for Willa's scrapbook. Hazel loved the purple elephant on top and I am sure that Willa will have the same love for it!

Thank you to those wonderful individuals who thought of Hazel (and always do) at the shower. She loved her "shower presents" She can't wait for a sunny day with her chalk!

I think that Tim and Hazel are as anxious as I am for Willa's arrival and have her at home. Hazel is already telling people at her preschool about how small she will be and how much she loves her. She is always talking about wanting to rock her sister Willa to sleep. I know that Tim and I are hoping that the loving gestures continue to flow once we all get home! Hopefully I will have

pictures to post of Hazel AND Willa very, very soon!!! Thank you again everyone who came to the baby shower and to everyone who has sent us such nice words and wishes!!