My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Willa's is 1!!!!

Willa decided that she was up for cake on her birthday! Thankfully I saved her cake when she refused to eat it at her party! There were honey bees on the corners and for some reason she only wanted to eat the black frosting! What a goob! Hazel helped her out! It is hard to believe that she is already 1. The last year has gone by soooo fast!

Willa's B-day Party

We had Willa's 1st birthday party on the Saturday before her real b-day and she was not a happy camper! She had an ear infection and wanted nothing to do with all the people or any stinkin cake!

Sooooo Far Behind

I am so far behind with this darn thing I am just gonna skip the christmas stuff and post Willa and Hazel getting bigger by the day!
Willa has learned to pull herself up and is now walking around objects! She loves to walk with you if you will hold her hands.