My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

HCG Hell Days 1 and 2

HCG Hell
Day 1
195 lbs

The first day is here! I have taken my first dose of HCG drops and have the process “clicking away.” Phase 1 encompasses Days 1 and 2. These days are for binge eating or I as I so lovingly call it “gorging out.” I have decided to have a pasta dinner tonight and a glass of wine. A canolli at Boticelli’s would probably work nicely also! Wish me luck!

HCG Hell
Day 2
195 lbs

Today, I finished the first phase of the HCG diet. I honestly don’t FEEL like eating anything! I have really tried to think of really awful greasy, fatty foods to eat during this phase and realized that I ALWAYS eat those nasty foods.
I started off the morning with a blueberry bagel and A LOT of strawberry cream cheese. I knew that I would be throwing away what was left so I really enjoyed myself. The “bagel berry bliss” was short lived because it gave me killer heartburn! I had my drops and that didn’t really add to the damage so I was doing pretty well. Before Tim and I could get our gang ready for Ryne’s birthday party, we made a Digorno Pizza (yet another thing in my freezer I wanted gone). Unfortunately, it came back up. I am pretty sure my stomach just did not really want anything else. So we were off to the party and of course, cake and ice cream! The party was a ton of fun and Mr. Ryne loved his cake! It is always fun to watch their curiosity and bewilderment whilst you lay a 9 inch frosted cake in front of their eyes and wandering fingers. Ryne was cautious at first; his innocent expressions said a thousand words, “really, I can just dig in?” I am praying that I don’t have that same bewildered look later this week as I am starving.
After the party the girls passed out and I had a chance to divide and portion out all of the chicken that I bought yesterday. I also bought a Bison steak and cut it in half. I am actually kind of excited for that tomorrow. I cooked it up for my lunch and am ready to try it; it did smell good! I was tired after getting it all separated and some cooked up. It was definitely a chore today but I think it will prove to be a good choice later in the week.
For dinner I made Crab Alfredo, nothing like a cup of whipping crème and two sticks of butter to top off your binge eating! It was very good but I still had a hard time eating it. I think I am already convinced that the drops help suppress hunger. We will have to see if they work as well when I am down to 500 calories a day! Dinner was good and another thing out of my freezer! After dinner Tim and I emptied out the rest of the food we just couldn’t bring ourselves to eat over the weekend. My fridge is very clean and sparkly now! It is packed with Tupperware of chicken and bison, fruits and vegetables. I totally wouldn’t think that was MY fridge if I hadn’t already known the changes!
After dinner Hazel asked for an ice cream cone and I decided I might as well oblige since it will be my last in a long while. It is weird to think earlier this summer I couldn’t go a day without dying for a McDonalds Reese’s McFlurry. Tonight I almost had to choke it down; in a couple of days, I knew I would regret it if I hadn’t.
I got a ton of laundry done today and that always feels like a huge accomplishment. I also got the bills paid and now have that dreadful feeling of being broke. I wonder when that feeling will go away. Will it ever go away? Besides the norm, my behavior and emotions seem to be going ok. I still feel a little bit of “fluttery-ness” for about 30 minutes after taking the drops. This sensation sort of feels like a low shot of epinephrine running through my system. I haven’t decided if this is something I have made up in made or not, I have decided to look more into the sensation.
I am pretty nervous about tomorrow, it will be my first day of Phase 2 and probably the first time I have only had 500 calories in one day for a very long time. I am really hoping I can pull through strong! I am definitely praying that those drops continue suppressing my hunger craziness.