My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Kellan loves to laugh at his mommy!

Hazel taped this (she did a pretty good job) video of Kellan.  Sommer is getting him to smile. I eventually stared at him long enough that he found my face silly enough to laugh at!

Kellan comes home!

Here is a video of Kellan being sooooo darn cute!  Tom and Sommer were allowed to bring Kellan home ofr the first time on Tuesday and they are completely inamored with him(as am I.) He is doing very well and is completely healthy with the exception of a nasty diaper-rash!  Poor kid poops to much now! I am fascinated by Kellan's size, he is just barely 8 pounds at three months old!  Despite his size he acts just like a three month old, smiling, squirming and starting to kick his legs back and forth.  He can hold his head up very well while staring at Tom and Sommer.  Hazel CAN"T wait untill she can hold and touch him and take him out to play!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy St. Patricks

I know that I am super behind BUT I am posting a couple pictures of our St. Patricks Day.  For some reason our Holiday was in camo green!

This one of Willa just kills me.  This is her pouty face. She is aparently done with pictures! Hahaha