My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Dr.'s Appointment Gone Wrong

Hazel and Willa had check ups with the doctor today and it went badly from the beginning. We managed to get there on time which was a miracle going anywhere with the both of them. BUT... it went down hill shortly after. Hazel was very upset about going to the doctor. She cried the entire time! I tried explaining to her that it was just a check up and that they weren't going to do anything scary or painful. Needless to say, I was wrong and made me out to be a liar. Willa was first up and she hasn't gained any weight in the last week. Unfortunatly, that means we have to go back again next week to check her weight and see what is going on with her. The worst news was that her PKU test was not done correctly last week and we had to do it AGAIN! Hazel nor Willa are bleeders. Last week it took 20 minutes of squeezing, bleeding, screaming, and crying to try and get enough blood for the test. Now we had to do it again. I wasn't pleased and ended up calling Tim to come help. I couldn't bear to watch her scream again. It is heartbreaking! Thankfully the nurse got it done in about 15 minutes this time but had to cut both of her feet twice to get enough blood for the test.

Hazel ended up having to get a blood and urine test. Peeing in a cup was great fun but the poke on the finger was devastating! At first she was thrown off by the idea of peeing in a cup but then thought of it as a rare treasure. She wanted to hold the cup while were waiting in the office and then was extremely upset that we had to give it to the nurse and not take it home. The office assistant thought that was hilarious! The finger poke went as well as to be expected. I was much happier to do that than the 3rd PKU test.

Hours later, Hazel is still nursing her poor finger and is requesting ice packs frequently. Willa cried herself to sleep when leaving the doctors office and is still out cold. I am sure they will live atleast until next week, when they have to go back and get their vacinations (if I can get them within a 10 yard radias of the doctors office)!!!!

Happy St. Patricks Day

I have earned my good mom badge for the week! Even though I have a two week old and am suffering from a sever lack of sleep and recovering from the flu I still managed to make sure Hazel had her green for St. Patricks Day! I am shocked to realize that Hazel has piles and piles of clothes and within those piles there are absolutely NO green items! SOOO... I decided to paint her face. Hazel was cautious at first (after all I am NO artist) but she was soon happy with herself. Since she had no green to wear she decided that she wanted to go as a Bronco and that meant that Willa needed to be a Bronco too. Hear are some pictures of the Grogan girls on St. Patricks Day!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Welcome Willa!

She is finally here! Miss Willa Dee was born on March 3, 2009 at 1:54pm. Tim and I went to the hospital to be induced at 7am and was in pretty intense labor an hour later. It was quiet the experience having it planned and knowing when she would arrive. The labor wasn't as long as I thought it would take compared to Hazel. Willa was 7.1 lbs and 20 and 1/2 inces long. She was alot smaller than we or the doctor thought she would be. Tim and I both thought that she looked like Hazel when she was born. In the last two weeks her facial features have changed and seems to look more like her own person. She is beautiful and strong! In the picture above, Hazel came in to the room before anyone else to meet her sister. This is a great picture of her reaction. She was so happy and excited to meet and finally see her little sister. Once she saw all the babies in the nursery she just couldn't wait! Thank you to everyone who came to see us at the hospital and at home. Thank you for your gifts, help, and well wishes! We hope to introduce you all to Willa soon!
Here is Tim getting Willa ready to come home from the hospital. She was just barely 23 hours old!

Hazel is soooo excited to be a big sister! She is going to be a great mommy!