My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cookies and Football at Granny's

This saturday we spent the day at Grandma Janes and made Christmas cookies and watched ALOT of football! The day started with the University of Sioux Falls in the Championship game. This is the college that Tim's brother, Tom, went to and coached for two years. It was a close game but they pulled through in the end and won. They have been the champion for the last 3 out of 4 years! Go cougars! Willa would rather eat footballs than watch it!

Willa started crawling this week and she is into everything! It is fun watching her discover all that she can do. Also this week, Willa decided to start giving the cheesiest smile and we all approve. She is very cute! Hazel helped Willa to have her first rocking horse ride this weekend. Willa doesn't really hold on well but Hazel kept her up there. Willa loved the ride, either that or she loved everyone watching her! Who knows!

When Willa layed down for her nap grandma and Hazel busted out all of the cookie junk. Hazel was a pro at licking the beaters!

We should have taken pictures of Sommer helping, that was pretty funny! Sommer did get it done and the cookies didn't kill us! Good Job Sommer!!!!

While the girls and I spent the day at grandma's Tim had a dodgeball tournament. This year the YMCA had a "Last man standing" contest. Tim entered and won! There were about 40 people in the contest and it was every man (and woman) for themselves. Tim won a plaque and got his picture taken for the YMCA. He is hoping that the picture doesn't end up in the newspaper, I personally think that this would be hilarious!! Any-way, Tim hasn't shut up about being the last man standing. I am sure that I just might kill him and become the last woman standing!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

New Favorites

We got a new camera for our christmas present! These are my new favorites for the girls!

Happy Birthday Hazel!

Our baby girl is 4!!!!!

I am soooooo behind! I haven't had enough time to even to get on the computer. Anyway-last month was Hazel's 4th birthday. We had a small pizza party at my office. Hazel had two friends from school come over and they played with everything (they atleast pulled EVERY toy out).

This was Willa's reaction to the party. It took her a good 20 minutes to get used to balloons, she was quiet unsure of them!
We had lost of family and close friends come by. All of the boys hid in the kitchen untill the pizza showed up. This is my close friend Jenny's new baby, Ryne. This is what he did during his first birthday party.

Danielle thought is what time for Hazel have some diversity in her life and got Hazel her first "African American" baby doll. This is a very important prized pocession in our household. With some help from Danielle, Hazel has lovingly named this baby........ are you ready for it?..............Shanay-nay.

Thank you so much to all of our family and friends that came to enjoy this day with us! I know that Hazel had a fun time and that she appreciates all of the gifts you have all showered her with!

I know that in the last couples weeks Tim and I have realized how big Hazel has grown, physically and emotionally. She is an amazing young lady! Her attitude could use a little help but what 4 year old doesn't?!?! She is such a great big sister! She truely loves her sister Willa and loves sharing and taking care of her. I don't think that we could have timed our kiddos any better!