My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Today my sister-in-law, Sommer, told us that they were beginning to work on their nursery. Last week they found out that they were having a boy and now knowing the babies gender( he wasn't shy!) they are starting to get ready for him. I sit here, patting Willa's back and listening to Hazel snore (no nap today) and think about when Tim and I got ready for Hazel. Her room was painted and we had new carpet laid on the floor, it was previously painted blue, long story. Anyway, new paint, new carpet and a classic whinnie the pooh theme. I loved it! Not one piece of that room exists now. Five years later there is no "theme" to be found. Just lots of "stuff" everywhere! The newest addition, a purple lava lamp. I feel like I was watching Tim put that crib together just days ago. Wow, it flies by so fast!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

It is a rainy day! Does it say something about my personality when I like cloudy days?

Sunday, September 12, 2010

HCG Hell Day 16

Hello All! I was under the impression that I was going to blog each day on my HCG diet BUT....... my life is eternally chaotic! My household usually suffers from a (what I hope to be) pretty normal state of chaos for a family of four with three pets AND a roomie in the basement.  THEN........ I decide to add a cruel, cruel diet and hormone drops in the mix; a theoretical "cherry on top."  So, the last time I got to blog it was only my 1st and 2nd day of the diet; what I would (and most) think as the easiest and BEST part, the gorge days!  Day 3 I started the 500 calories a day and it was really tuff.  The first day went well untill the evening, then the phsycotic behavior and irrational manipulating began.  I am hoping after this whole thing is over that Tim will still be living in the house! Seriously, he is taking care of me VERY well and has the most patience!  The first night; as sad to admit, I cried myself to sleep.  I definitly wasn't hungry, I was only crazy with lack of control. Over the last two weeks I have come to realize that my "bordom eating" is ALOT worse than I had suspected. I have always been a self-proclaimed emotional eater and bored eater.  I KNOW that I eat just to put things in my mouth.  This diet, as hellacious as it may be, has helped with curbing those habits.  I think that the emotions and feelings I have experienced over the last two weeks have essentially thrown me to a new low, psychologically. 
Any addiction causes a severe desire for the addicting substance.  Most people with an addiction, whatever it may be; smoking, meth, alcohol, (or in my case) food, people hit rock bottom before deciding they MUST change.  When I started this diet I thought that I was the heaviest I could possibly get and was at my bottom, I was wrong.  At least, I was wrong about the bottom part. This new low that I spoke of earlier made me realize how SICK I am in the head, that realization brought me to a completely different low.  This taught me how manipulative I can be when I don't have control over my body, my food!  I was irrationally planning when I would open the bag of chips after Tim went to bed. "The bag will be too loud, I will have to take it out to the back deck with out him hearing me. Should I set my alarm clock so that I can make sure to wake up before him?  When he asks about the marshmellows I will just tell him that I gave them to Hazel."  I was and AM amazingly shocked how awful I felt, my brain started to turn on me!
Two weeks into it, I seem to be clawing my way out of my deep, deep hole.  I have lost 10 pounds and have actually done a lot of cheating.  Alot more cheating than I really should.  I have noticed that I don't want to eat as much as I was.  I haven't had any pop.  Don't get me wrong, I have thought about pop, alot!  Potatos have been a lot easier to let go of than I thought.  My biggest shock is the green "bunny food"!  After 26 years I have trained myself to eat Romaine Lettuce and Spinich!!! Yeah, that's right, I can eat a salad!
Now that you have picked yourself off of the floor (hope you didn't hurt yourself mom) I am going to sign off.  I need to get some rest so that I may motivate myself to keep on truckin through another 500 calorie day!