My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Halloween!

 This year Halloween was really short for us.  I was moving my office into a new building that week and really dropped the ball on family time.  We did however, find time for Jack-o-lanterns and made sure I was home in time for trick or treating!
Hazel was really funny becasuse she wanted to cut up a pumkin but didn't want to get her hands dirty.  She
made me laugh.
 Willa, on the other hand, loved digging into the pumkin and got all sorts of slimy!
Willa, on the other hand, loved digging into the pumkin and got all sorts of slimy!
Here is Hazel being a Ham!

The girls with Willa's decorated pumkin. She did stickers and markers!

Here is Hazel as Strawberry Shortcake.

I dressed up as a fairy and I am guessing Tim went as a SCARY Broncos fan! Hahaha

 This is what Willa did in between stops. She was all stickered up!
 Here is all of Hazel's costume. I was actually pretty impressed with it.  She was mad because the tights weren't actually tight! I had to giggle!
 They were totally wired by the end of the night! I have never been soooooo happy to drop them off at daycare and preschool the next morning!!!

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