My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Program...A SUCCESS!

Hazel performed in her 1st Christmas Program with her Pre-K class at Prince of Peace.  They all were extremely adorable and performed amazingly!  They had a couple actors for the main characters of the night in the manger.  The rest of the kiddos were amazing singers!  Here are some really cute pictures from the program. I am soooooo proud!
 Here is Hazel and Evan, whom we refer to as "boyfriend."  They go to daycare and school together!
 Here is Action Shot #1.  They had sign language and choreographed all the music.  I can't beleive that she remembered all of it!
 Action Shot #2
 Here is Evan smiling at his mom.
 They were starting to wander about half way through.
Here are the kings men and the angels gathering around baby jesus.  They did an amazing job!!! And great job Prince of Peace staff!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

New Family Pictures

Last year we were soooo busy and Willa was sooo tiney that we didn't have our family pictures done. This year it was beautiful outside and the girls didn't mind sitting in the snow.  Of course my sister in law, Sommer Grogan with BOKA did the photos.  Here is one of Tim and I. I haven't had a pic of just him and myself since we were married.                                  
 Here are the girls. Willa was absolutely not interested in anything we were doing to get her to smile. 
 I thought that this is perfect for Willa, because this is sorta her demeaner all the time. Better to have a photo of her being her, right?
 Hazel on the other hand, is a complete ham!
 Here is the gang, trying to make Willa smile. It didn't work!
 This is all of us with Tim's brother, Tom and his wife, Sommer, and his parents. Aparently, this is the best we can do! Hahaha
Maybe, just maybe, I will get christmas cards done! Hopefully, you will get some pictures to hold onto!  Have a wonderful night!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Sitting in the hospital in cheyenne. Mom is having a procedure done. Gotta love elderly couples yelling at each other at 6am! Yeah waiting rooms!