My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Sick Kiddos

The poor kiddos are sick today.Willa has been fighting a nasty cough for over a week and I finally decided to take them to the doc.  Hazel started in on the cough around Saturday.  By Sunday they both had a fever.  Went in this morning and was told what I thought, it's a bug, just ride it out.  Hmmmmmm, why do I despise that answer so much?!  Willa is just so unbelievably whiney when she doesn't feel good. I don't think that any one in our house has slept an entire night in the last week!  Grrrrrr... She must get better by her birthday next week!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

No more home phone

Hello All!

Just thought that I would all let you know that we have canceled our home phone number.  Not to sure many of you even used it! LOL.  So...... why pay $59.00 a month for it?!?  You can always reach Tim or I on our cell phones!

Monday, February 14, 2011

New Photo of Kellan!! 7 weeks old!

I think he is starting to look more like his mama! But his nose is still VERY simalar to Willa!!/photo.php?fbid=10150093406155888&set=a.486679560887.260228.705325887&theater

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Kellan Thomas Grogan

Here are some photos that Sommer has been taking and working on while staying at the Ronald McDonald house in Denver.  Kellan is doing sooooo well and there are soooooo many people that are patiently (maybe not always patiently) awaiting his arrival at home!!  Kellan is tiny but already has a lot of personallity!!

The Newest Grogan!!

I cannot begin to describe how HAPPY I am to be holding a new JOY in my life (and Tom and Sommer's life too, I guess) AND to be completely dressed! I am flabergasted by my love for a little boy that is not my own.  In this picture I am shocked at how much I loved this little guy the minute I saw him! I never thought that I would love another child as fiercely as I love my own girls.  This was an amazing joy and Christmas miracle!  Thank you Tom and Sommer for letting me participate in (delivery, no impregnating) this amazing experience!  

We all look so Happy and Rejuvinated for 3 in the morning!!!!

So Far Behind

As most of you know, our Christmas was obsolutely chaotic!  So here are a couple of cute photos of our christmas morning.  We were forcing the presents, Hazel had surgery the day before and felt miserable.  Willa was happy though!!!

Hazel did manage a couple smiles when she saw their new Barbie Jeep!!!