My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Why is it that? I lay here in bed wishing that I could JUST FALL ASLEEP and get my precious z's but no I sit and think what will happen tomorow. Will I hurt tomorow? Will my stomach seep open and sea monkeys emerge from the obyss? Will the baby come tomorow? Will I want to have never crawled out of bed before I get my first cranky attitude-altered teenager? What will my joyous moments be like tomorow? Will I tousle another day of forbidden love for Jenny's pleasure? Who Knows! I DO know that we, as a human race, should get more sleep! Just think of what better individuals we would be if we had a better nights sleep!
I could wake my children up with the sweet smell of pancakes and even sweeter nothings whispered in their ears instead of screaming" we are late" 5 times before Hazel even thinks about peeling her eyes away from handy manny! I know, he is handy and he is named manny, but for christs's sake WE GOT TO GO!!! If I had sweet blissful sleep everynight I would wake up to Tim asking him how he slept and what he has planned for his day instead of pretending to still be asleep so that he will go put the pacifier back in the babies mouth for the seventh time in 20 minutes!
If only we had enough sleep! I think that we should boycot! I want more sleep DANMIT, if only I could just fall asleep now~!!

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