My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sportsmans Expo 2009 (otherwise known as torture mom with snakes 2009)

Last weekend Tim, Dad and I took Hazel and Willa to the Sportsman Expo up at the event Center. I knew that Hazel would enjoy going up there to see all the cool stuff, plus I had heard that the Game and Fish were doing some stuff with snakes. Well, Hazel has warped into a little boy this summer! She has a fascination with grasshoppers, ants, dinosaurs and mostly anything creepy-crawly. Anywho- I think that dad would have fun with us so we all head up to the event center with all of the crap we have to take everywhere for Willa. We go through and look at all nice stuff you can buy and then get down into some of the fun stuff. Hazel got to shoot a laser gun at deer for ethics training. We waited in line and watched about 12 kids get their turn and leave it to my child to yell "I shot the tiny one!" She must have got her ethics from her Great Grandpa Hanson!

At the kids corner Hazel made a bird feeder which was pretty easy. They just rolled pine cones in lard and then in bird seed. Pretty easy for a kids project and not to expensive. I may have to do those later next spring!There was also a guy that had a bunch of different animal hides. Hazel was pretty nervous about the bigs ones. There was a girl there a little bit older than Hazel and she put the wolf hide on and that freaked Hazel out a bit. She was willing to down grade to the raccoon. At one of the Game and Fish booths they were having kids fish for candy. Hazel needed a little help with her eye-hand coordination but she got some pretty good candy from it. For some reason all of those Game and Fish employees thought that Hazel just needed a ton of junk to go home with. If she is that cute I should put her on the street with her playskool keyboard, she can start paying rent!And last, but not least, the snakes. I don't know what I was thinking taking Hazel to this thing because Tim isn't remotely interested in snakes and my dad just hates them. Soooooo, I am the one walking Hazel through the snake exhibit and sitting with her during the speach from the snake lady at the game and fish. Lucky me, I had more snakes within 6 inches on me in one day that I have had in 10 feet of me my whole life! Hazel just loved it to death. The bull snake wasn't that intimidating since it's jaw was broken so it couldn't really bite if it wanted to. The only one that I thought was kinda cool was the pignose snake in the picture above. He had a smushed nose like a pug! Hazel liked that one too!

I lived (with no snake bites) and made it home safely. Thankfully I didn't have any nightmares!

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