My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pathfinder Dam

Today we decided to go out to Pathfinder dam and see the amazing water flowing over the spillway! Of course Tim was looking for any reason to drive his new truck! I have attached ALOT of pictures below explaining what we saw. Hope that you enjoy it as much as we did!

This is a picture of the dock that is normally above the water at the base of the dam. It is about 6 feet under water! This is the view from below on the bridge that crosses the river.
The Dam from above! This was an amazing view and even better experience! It was beautiful but also, the roar of the crashing water was so loud and the spray left us soaking wet!
Hazel says "Cheers Fremont Canyon", I have no idea where she comes up with the stuff!
Tim thought that lunch with a tan was a good idea! Our picnic-ing neighbors couldn't take their eyes off of his hot bod!!!!

Here is Fremont Canyon. The water was atleast a good 6 feet higher than normal!
On our way to Pathfinder. Tim is VERY happy with his new truck!! He loves it and takes every chance to go for a ride!
This is a pretty good group picture of us at Fremont Canyon. The water was awesome!
Here is Hazel happy to be going to see the Waterfall over the damn! She did NOT look this happy on the way home!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Stair Surfing! Yeah, you read right!

I, of course, thought that this was a bad idea and just feared it ending in tears, as these things usually do! BUT... Tim encouraged me to just get my camera! Enjoy!

Weekend Project

This weekend I decided that I REALLY needed to finish a wall that I started painting last August! Soooo.. I painted most of it but I needed Tim's help with the ladder and the really tall spots. Anyway, we painted our entry way turquise and put up some pictures that have a similar color formatting. I was actually really excited how well it all turned out. Here are some pictures.

We still need to get some touching up done with the off white and creme trim but when do I not need to fix paint!? I am thinking of working outside for my project this week. I have some patio stones to put out in the front yard. Then I would like to pot some flowers. I have been saving gallon milk jugs for planters for on the back deck. Hazel liked this idea and wanted to paint them. I thought that they would be good flowers for her to take care of!
I hope to have more to post next week! Hopefully, I can get another project done!
Laura :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nikon Bliss!

On my trip to Deadwood I had lots of construction traffic and had a couple of chances for some play. Check out what I got!Rancher's Feed Lot Lusk, WYThe back door. Lusk, WY 219 Griffith

The Cadwells (and extra's) meet in Deadwood!

I made a VERY quick trip to Deadwood (by myself) two weeks ago. It seems to have become routine to spend a "Cadwell weekend" in Deadwood lately. This year it was planned over one of my best friends Bridal Shower and Bachelorette party. Soooooo... I made a very fast trip there and back (including a speeding ticket) so that I could see everyone AND be back for the paaaaarttaaay! Mom brought Patricia's friend, Leslie, as a surprise and then Dad and Shiane surprized all of us! Here are pictures of me and Tricia with Dad and then with Mom. After doing all of the group pictures I had sorta wished that I brought my own family! It was wayyyyy to short of a trip for the girls though.
I had a great time, but wished I could have stayed longer! It was beautiful in Deadwood and very green! Tim and I bought a new Jeep that week and the sun roof was amazing going through all of the canyons! Next year the fam wants to spend a week in July for a cruise to Alaska. It would be a total blast and I think that Tim and I will look into what we could do.This is my favorite picture! No posing and the best smiles! Sommer- You HAVE taught me something!I can't remember the last time I got all of these people together for a picture! Great job guys!Tricia is wondering why I am interested in taking her picture instead of drinking?!Thanks for letting me crash in your hotel room guys!!! Hope to see you all soon!