My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Halloween Jammies

The pennies are definitly pinched this year but we found some cool jammies at Walmart last weekend and thought we could swing it. They are pink with glow-in-the-dark skeltons on them. Hazel was very excited about glowing and as you can expect, Willa didn't care! I wanted to take pictures of the girls in their matching jammies but Willa was refusing to leave her daddies lap. Hazel hopped on and tried to get Willa to smile for the camera. I swear Willa really does smile and even laughs. When ever the camera comes out she gets the "deer in the headlights" look. Here are some attempts at capturing her smile.

This one is pretty close!
Here is the ham, I think that smile gets bigger and cheesier each day!
This picture was in the pitch black bathroom. I thought that maybe we could get the glowing skelton (we were wrong!)

Photography by Hazel

Hazel has been camera crazy lately. We bought her a playskool camera last year for her birthday and now she has evolved to my camera. I thought that these photos were pretty funny. I may have a future photographer on my hands!
This is Tim's "Cheeeeeessssee" face, it's pretty good, huh?!?!

Willa is only 8 months old and already sick of Hazel and the camera. Now, Willa just ignores her big sister!
Hazel told me I had to wear the bonnet from her halloween costume for this picture. I tell ya, she's a nut!


The girls were dressed and ready for Monday Night Football! Tim and I stayed up late and watched the game. I can't beleive that my life is so wrapped up in football (of all things). My parents were never into football and we never watched it as kids. I married into a crazy family!
Anyway- the game was good and their were some close calls. I am sure that we will be dressed and ready to cheer again next week. Lets hear it for 7-0!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Great Quote

"To expect innovation without support is hallucination."

I saw this today and thought that this was a great quote. I know that I could use this reminder quiet often! I am going to send this quote, some great wishes and relaxation to my new boss!
Just remember you have a team here to help you!

Tim's First Elk

Last week was the opening of Elk season in the Shirley's. This is the first year that Tim drew an Elk License, let alone a Bull! He was very excited to get out there, even with the snow. My dad and Uncle went out to help Tim find his bull. After two days and a lot of "old-man-miscommunication" he got it! I know that Tim had a great time and is really excited. The processor already finished all the meat so we have an over-loaded freezer and the rack should be done soon. Tim is so proud of himself and it will be great to have the rack here at the house. I told Tim that if he shot a bull I would mount it for him and Tim just got lucky with a 6 by6!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Same old stuff

Both of my girls are getting so big! Hazel had her first Dentist appointment last week and she did pretty well until they squirted water in her mouth. The water sent her over the edge! Tim has been gone a lot with work and hunting. I am holding it together but definitly need a vacation! We are still working on getting Willa to sleep through the night. She is getting a lot better at going back to sleep after getting up. Honestly, I don't have much to report. It has pretty much been the same old stuff in the last couple weeks. Here are a couple of pictures to see how big they are now!