My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Willa's 1st day at Daycare

Willa is getting soooooo big!!! She spent her first day at daycare on April 16th. Hazel was 10 times more excited than Willa. Hazel has wanted her sister to go to "work" with her since the day she was born! Hazel is a VERY proud big sister. Willa is going to the same Daycare/Preschool that we have been taking Hazel to since August. We love the Sunshine Corner Center! Hazel loved it the moment we walked in the door and Willa hasn't shown any distaste. It was a total blessing being accepted to the daycare after the horrific summer we had. Normally the wait list is terrible but I only waited three months to get Hazel in! Since Willa was a sibling of a current student they sorta MADE room for her. It is a great spot! I would definitly recomend!
Besides a runny nose Willa has had no complaints. Last week she caught a cold from Hazel and I and got a really stuffy nose. When she slept on her back or at an incline it would drain down her throut and cause her to choke. It is was ruff couple of nights, expecially when she could only sleep on her tummy. Before you send me hate mail on letting her sleep on her tummy, I want you to know that she was practically on top of Tim or I and it was the ONLY way she could sleep. We did everything we could, suck her nose out every 10 minutes and lay her under a humidifier. You can feel so helpless as a parent of an infant sometimes. There really was nothing else to do for her. Anyway- Almost a week later the congestion is finally starting to go away. One good thing about the congestion, it seems to have replaced the Colic! She hasn't been upset about her belly and a lot less gassy! Her tummy definitaly has picky taste! We are feeding her (get ready, it's a mouthful) Parents Choice Lactose Free Infant Formula for Sensitive Stomachs. I told you it was a mouthful! Oh Well, it seems to be working for her!
She is getting really strong! As you can telll in the above picture she is starting to hold herself up. She can manage for about 2-3 minutes and then she slowly sinks. The other picture is of her 1st day at daycare. I am sure that I will have more news another day! Willa and Hazel change each day, there is always SOMETHING to report!

Hoppy Easter (hehe)

I hope that you all had a marvelous Easter! We had fun entertaining Hazel and my mom, Donna. It was Willa's first Easter but she honestly wasn't that interested. The Saturday before Easter we all honkered down and colored eggs. If any of you know my pet peeves, you know that I absolutely CANNOT stand the smell of eggs. This started when I was pregnant with Hazel and I have never been able to stand them since! Even looking at them while pregnant was a sad, sad mistake! Anyway- I managed to tuff it out and boil 2 dozen eggs. We colored them but they were definitely NOT staying in my house! We had fun coloring them. I don't think that my mom has colored eggs since my sister and I were little. We used a tie-dye kit which I would totally recomend. We used it last year also and it works perfectly for children. It has 6 different colors and a tons of bags. You put a tiny bit of dye on the egg, drop in the bag and then rub it around. Mostly mess free! We had a really great time. Here are some pictures of our EGG-stravaganza!
The Easter Bunny brought great surprizes this year! Hazel got her first bike and was eager to learn how to ride it. It was hiding under a blanket and I was hoping that she would find it while she was looking for her eggs. She was in a mad search for the eggs, with only one thing on her mind. She uncovered the bike and took one look, BUT she was so eager to find the eggs the bike didn't even phase her! She just walked around it! We thought it was funny that she was so concerned about those darn eggs! Not even a bike would stand in her way!

Monday, April 13, 2009

More of Janes Birthday!

This weekend I got a hold of Janes Camera and took her pictures from her party. I thought that I would show you all molre pictures of how much fun we all had!
This is Bob and Rhea, thanks for coming guys!!!
This is the treasure box that Hazel made for Jane. She worked on it for about two weeks! It was all she could do not to tell Jane she made her a box. We filled it with cool stuff per Hazels requirements; a handmade bead necklace and bracelet, a maurices gift card and a pack of gum! It just wasn't going to work without the gum!
She looks sooooo happy! The big five-oh!

Getting ready to blow out her candles. It is a good thing I didn't get 50 of them!

Here is Jane with Willa. She enjoyed all of the attention!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy 50th Jane!

Yesterday my Mother-in-Law turned 50 and we threw her a surprise party at one of her favorite restaurants. It was a small group but she was definatly surprised and had a good time.

We met at Armors and had a separate room all to
ourselves. We had black balloons and a granny walker!
The Walker has lots of great Slow and Old Warnings and a horn.

I have attached a picture of her using it.

She does crippled pretty well!

Tom and Sommer were there and helped get everything ready. Sommer and I put the party together (the boys don't do much.) Rob and Danielle came to join the festivities. Danielle made a beautiful cake; not to mention that it tasted great. Great Job Dan!!! I ate wayyyyyy to much and regretted it later!

Bob and Rhea Botz came to celebrate and Janes friend, Shar. Plus the whole thing was a surprise to Mike too. (He doesn't keep a secret well.) This was Willa's first party and she took the attention well!

Hazel came dressed to impress and of course she pretended that it was her party. Tim and I continue to tell Mike and Jane to stop having Hazel open presents for them but they just don't listen! She is conditioned to think that EVERY present is hers!!

We hope that Jane had a great 50th and wish her many more Happy Birthdays! Now on to Easter!

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Girls

Hazel is absolutely in love with Willa! I only wish that Hazel could understand that Willa is so tiny! She constantly wants to hug and lay on her. Willa never seems to mind much. She loves when Hazel talks and reads to her. She just sits there and stares at Hazel with wide eyes.

As some of you may now, Hazel is infactuated with makeup! The other day she dissapeared and this is what I found.....

She calls herself a princess when she is all done up! She is sooooo silly! Here is a picture of Willa and Hazel in all her glory!

Willa is 1 month

Willa is now one month old! She is getting bigger each day! She is well over 9 pounds now and getting chunky. At three weeks she developed colic and it has been a big test for me. She is most effected and cranky from 4am to 8am. It makes for a long day. I plan on going back to work on Monday the 20th and will start Willa in daycare. Tim is leaving town on a business trip just two weeks after I go back to work. He is going to Atlanta for four days. I am nervous about being a single working parent of two! I am hoping to pull it off without a head full of gray hair! Here are some pictures of how big Willa is getting!