My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hoppy Easter (hehe)

I hope that you all had a marvelous Easter! We had fun entertaining Hazel and my mom, Donna. It was Willa's first Easter but she honestly wasn't that interested. The Saturday before Easter we all honkered down and colored eggs. If any of you know my pet peeves, you know that I absolutely CANNOT stand the smell of eggs. This started when I was pregnant with Hazel and I have never been able to stand them since! Even looking at them while pregnant was a sad, sad mistake! Anyway- I managed to tuff it out and boil 2 dozen eggs. We colored them but they were definitely NOT staying in my house! We had fun coloring them. I don't think that my mom has colored eggs since my sister and I were little. We used a tie-dye kit which I would totally recomend. We used it last year also and it works perfectly for children. It has 6 different colors and a tons of bags. You put a tiny bit of dye on the egg, drop in the bag and then rub it around. Mostly mess free! We had a really great time. Here are some pictures of our EGG-stravaganza!
The Easter Bunny brought great surprizes this year! Hazel got her first bike and was eager to learn how to ride it. It was hiding under a blanket and I was hoping that she would find it while she was looking for her eggs. She was in a mad search for the eggs, with only one thing on her mind. She uncovered the bike and took one look, BUT she was so eager to find the eggs the bike didn't even phase her! She just walked around it! We thought it was funny that she was so concerned about those darn eggs! Not even a bike would stand in her way!

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