My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy 50th Jane!

Yesterday my Mother-in-Law turned 50 and we threw her a surprise party at one of her favorite restaurants. It was a small group but she was definatly surprised and had a good time.

We met at Armors and had a separate room all to
ourselves. We had black balloons and a granny walker!
The Walker has lots of great Slow and Old Warnings and a horn.

I have attached a picture of her using it.

She does crippled pretty well!

Tom and Sommer were there and helped get everything ready. Sommer and I put the party together (the boys don't do much.) Rob and Danielle came to join the festivities. Danielle made a beautiful cake; not to mention that it tasted great. Great Job Dan!!! I ate wayyyyyy to much and regretted it later!

Bob and Rhea Botz came to celebrate and Janes friend, Shar. Plus the whole thing was a surprise to Mike too. (He doesn't keep a secret well.) This was Willa's first party and she took the attention well!

Hazel came dressed to impress and of course she pretended that it was her party. Tim and I continue to tell Mike and Jane to stop having Hazel open presents for them but they just don't listen! She is conditioned to think that EVERY present is hers!!

We hope that Jane had a great 50th and wish her many more Happy Birthdays! Now on to Easter!

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