My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Alas, Summer!

It is finally feeling a little like summer! Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the rain; but Hazel sleeps like an angel when she runs rampid outside all day! Plus, Hazel is all about Summer clothes now. She asks every morning if it is warm enough for "fip-pops". Today was water day at school and she was very excited to take her swimsuit to school. Hazel loves these sun dresses! We got them from Tim's cousin, Maddy, and Hazel would like to wear them everyday for the rest of her life. She thinks they make her look "boo-tu-foo" when she dances. (Hence the picture below!)

Willa is starting to put everything in her mouth. It is pretty cute. She is so slobbery and loves to chew on Tims finger. She seems so little to start teething but with the way she is acting I wouldn't be surprized if a little bugger popped up! She is laughing at a lot of things these days. She laughs at Hazel all the time and loves to be tickled under her chin. Hazel plays with her all the time and Willa just loves it. Willa will get upset and throw a fit if Hazel decides to do something else or watchs TV. Willa practically demands her attention! Thankfully, Hazel doesn't mind. They are perfect for each other and I really hope that it stays that way!

Tims Birthday BBQ

I would post some pictures of Tim's BBQ but to be perfectly honest, non of them are appropriate! Sorry. Thank you to everyone that came! We had a blast and apparently to much fun. I know that Tim had toooooo much fun!

On our way home

After all our visiting with family it was time to take the jaunt home. Hazel wasn't as excited but she was still happy to ride the train again. We had our regular seats in the coach train, but we spent the whole trip in the viewing deck. We had a good time, but it rained the entire eight hours. Jane held Willa more than half of the trip. I am pretty sure they both enjoyed themselves. Hazel was a little cranky because the lack of sleep and to much running around like a psycho! Dad enjoyed sitting in the viewing deck the whole time, watching the scenery. When we came over the mountian into Denver it was total fog. It was very cool and looked like something out of a horror movie. It was pretty neat. It was a great trip! We can't wait to see you all again!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Finally, I can write about the reunion!

When we made it to Grand Junction we immediatly went out to the reunion and their were people already waiting! It was raining but there was good food and good company. I don't think that I held Willa the entire time we were there. She was the youngest kiddo there and I think that everyone held her. I know she loved it! Hazel had a great time. This was the first time we pretty much let Hazel just run free. It was a good location because we knew that no one would kidnap her and if she got hurt it would be a learning experience. She did great! No injuries and she didn't disappear into a well. It was a really good time!
Here is my fam that made it to the reunion. I will have to try getting a picture from Uncle Dale that was zoomed in a little better. This was the beginning of Hazel's photo-op and she was well behaved here. Once we added the others it got a little sticky!
Here is the whole fam-damily! Only missing my sister, Patricia, and our cousin, Amber and her kiddos! We missed you! I like this picture though, I missed the last family picture. It was the complete group, except for me and Tim, in the middle of deliverying Hazel!
Here is a blurry picture of Millie and Harry. They look like they are planning a sneaky controversy!
Here is Al's Family. Hazel loved playing with these guys! They were just the right age!

Here are Erma and Betty. Unfortunatly, the rest of their families couldn't make the long trip. We missed you all! See you soon!
Here is Harry and his family. They did all the cooking and it was scrumptious! Great job! I elect you all to camp cook any day!
Here is Jeanie's Family. They are a large group almost as large as mine!

Here are Jeanie's girls. They did an amazing job putting the reunion together this year and were really great hosts. Thank you so much guys! Tim and I had a blast and loved seeing everyone. You truely did a great job!
This is Mildred's Family, the Drummonds. Of course we are missing a lot of them, expecially my generation. Where are you guys?!?!

This is my dad's cousin Wayne Patras, his son, steven and girlfriend, Barb. Barb loved carrying around Willa, but who didn't?!? This was a particurally scary time for me with Steven. He is 16 this year and I remember when he was born! Yikes, that made me feel old!

These are the originals. Harry, Al, Jeanie, Betty, and Mildred. We are missing Rose since she couldn't make the journey to Grand Junction.
It was a great time guys! Tim and I are excited for next year and already planning our vacation to Lincoln, NE. This is a great location since Tim has family there too! Thanks again for the great time!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

The scenery is the absolute best reason to ride the train from Denver to Grand Junction. The view was soooo pretty. This is the lake just out of Denver. It is probably a little ways from I-70. I think that Tim took this picture because I had horrible lucktaking pictures, I always got the tree right in the shot! Great timing!
This is Dad's cousin, Bobby, and his wife, Jane. Hazel was their bestest buddy and spent most of the trip standing in front of them. They seemed to enjoy it though. Hazel kept calling Jane "Grandma Jane", since that is what she calls her own grandma. We tried telling her over and over that she wasn't her grandma but Hazel didn't particuraly care for our opinion.

This is Dad, despite what he may look like, he was having a good time! Again, I have bad timing at picture taking, he was probably mid sentence!

Here are Tim and Hazel. Tim tried reading but Hazel was to much to keep control of so his reading was cut short.
Dad took this picture of Tim and I relaxing while "Grandma Jane" is playing with our kids. It is a rare occasion that Tim and I are together in the quiet. We were enjoying the scenery!

Here is Shiane walking thru the viewing cart. We were one car over from the food and bar and we seemed to make multiple trips!
This is the Colorado river and the train run beside it pretty much the whole way. We were mooned multiple times by the boaters and we enjoyed taunting them.

Willa had a good time and expecially loved the fact that she was held a good solid eight hours. She was a very good baby! Hazel loved the train even more than Willa because she got to move around! She was a very good train traveler too!

Cannon Balllllll!!!!

Hazel's favorite part about going out of town is swimming at the Hotel pool. I didn't realize how much Hazel has grown in the last year and for some reason I thought that she would fit in the same swimsuit from last summer. I am not to sure what universe I was living in?!?!? Soooo, Hazel and Tim got to go on a little shopping trip in Denver. Hazel got a new suit that she was very happy to model. Dad and Tim got in the pool with Hazel where she perfected her cannon ball. Dad thought it was funny that Hazel is afraid to swim to you in the pool but she is more than happy to jump in. She is quiet the goof-ball! The humid pool area was great for Willa's stuffy nose. It was dripping all the way to the floor but she slept like an angel since she could breath!! Speaking of sleeping angels, mine sleep in dresser drawers!

Hurray for Cinzetti's

On our way to Grand Juntion, CO for our family reunion we decided to stop and celebrate Tim's Birthday at our FAVORITE restraunt!!! We went to Cinzetti's and like always, it was amazing!! We took my dad and Shiane. They have never experienced the grace of Cinzetti's and now they are hooked! My dad ate himself sick, he had to try everything. Unfortunatly, Willa wasn't to excited about the massive crowd. It was really busy! Hazel loved it but she always loves food! Here are some pictures of our good time and us celebrating Tims Birthday.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

SOOOO Behind

Hello All

I know that I am sooooo behind on my blog! I am hoping to get pictures up of our trip to Grand Junction and Tims Birthday party tomorow! I promise it will happen soon!!!!