My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

The scenery is the absolute best reason to ride the train from Denver to Grand Junction. The view was soooo pretty. This is the lake just out of Denver. It is probably a little ways from I-70. I think that Tim took this picture because I had horrible lucktaking pictures, I always got the tree right in the shot! Great timing!
This is Dad's cousin, Bobby, and his wife, Jane. Hazel was their bestest buddy and spent most of the trip standing in front of them. They seemed to enjoy it though. Hazel kept calling Jane "Grandma Jane", since that is what she calls her own grandma. We tried telling her over and over that she wasn't her grandma but Hazel didn't particuraly care for our opinion.

This is Dad, despite what he may look like, he was having a good time! Again, I have bad timing at picture taking, he was probably mid sentence!

Here are Tim and Hazel. Tim tried reading but Hazel was to much to keep control of so his reading was cut short.
Dad took this picture of Tim and I relaxing while "Grandma Jane" is playing with our kids. It is a rare occasion that Tim and I are together in the quiet. We were enjoying the scenery!

Here is Shiane walking thru the viewing cart. We were one car over from the food and bar and we seemed to make multiple trips!
This is the Colorado river and the train run beside it pretty much the whole way. We were mooned multiple times by the boaters and we enjoyed taunting them.

Willa had a good time and expecially loved the fact that she was held a good solid eight hours. She was a very good baby! Hazel loved the train even more than Willa because she got to move around! She was a very good train traveler too!

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