My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Finally, I can write about the reunion!

When we made it to Grand Junction we immediatly went out to the reunion and their were people already waiting! It was raining but there was good food and good company. I don't think that I held Willa the entire time we were there. She was the youngest kiddo there and I think that everyone held her. I know she loved it! Hazel had a great time. This was the first time we pretty much let Hazel just run free. It was a good location because we knew that no one would kidnap her and if she got hurt it would be a learning experience. She did great! No injuries and she didn't disappear into a well. It was a really good time!
Here is my fam that made it to the reunion. I will have to try getting a picture from Uncle Dale that was zoomed in a little better. This was the beginning of Hazel's photo-op and she was well behaved here. Once we added the others it got a little sticky!
Here is the whole fam-damily! Only missing my sister, Patricia, and our cousin, Amber and her kiddos! We missed you! I like this picture though, I missed the last family picture. It was the complete group, except for me and Tim, in the middle of deliverying Hazel!
Here is a blurry picture of Millie and Harry. They look like they are planning a sneaky controversy!
Here is Al's Family. Hazel loved playing with these guys! They were just the right age!

Here are Erma and Betty. Unfortunatly, the rest of their families couldn't make the long trip. We missed you all! See you soon!
Here is Harry and his family. They did all the cooking and it was scrumptious! Great job! I elect you all to camp cook any day!
Here is Jeanie's Family. They are a large group almost as large as mine!

Here are Jeanie's girls. They did an amazing job putting the reunion together this year and were really great hosts. Thank you so much guys! Tim and I had a blast and loved seeing everyone. You truely did a great job!
This is Mildred's Family, the Drummonds. Of course we are missing a lot of them, expecially my generation. Where are you guys?!?!

This is my dad's cousin Wayne Patras, his son, steven and girlfriend, Barb. Barb loved carrying around Willa, but who didn't?!? This was a particurally scary time for me with Steven. He is 16 this year and I remember when he was born! Yikes, that made me feel old!

These are the originals. Harry, Al, Jeanie, Betty, and Mildred. We are missing Rose since she couldn't make the journey to Grand Junction.
It was a great time guys! Tim and I are excited for next year and already planning our vacation to Lincoln, NE. This is a great location since Tim has family there too! Thanks again for the great time!!

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