My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Alas, Summer!

It is finally feeling a little like summer! Don't get me wrong, I don't mind the rain; but Hazel sleeps like an angel when she runs rampid outside all day! Plus, Hazel is all about Summer clothes now. She asks every morning if it is warm enough for "fip-pops". Today was water day at school and she was very excited to take her swimsuit to school. Hazel loves these sun dresses! We got them from Tim's cousin, Maddy, and Hazel would like to wear them everyday for the rest of her life. She thinks they make her look "boo-tu-foo" when she dances. (Hence the picture below!)

Willa is starting to put everything in her mouth. It is pretty cute. She is so slobbery and loves to chew on Tims finger. She seems so little to start teething but with the way she is acting I wouldn't be surprized if a little bugger popped up! She is laughing at a lot of things these days. She laughs at Hazel all the time and loves to be tickled under her chin. Hazel plays with her all the time and Willa just loves it. Willa will get upset and throw a fit if Hazel decides to do something else or watchs TV. Willa practically demands her attention! Thankfully, Hazel doesn't mind. They are perfect for each other and I really hope that it stays that way!

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