My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Train?!?! YES!!!!

This is how excited my beautiful daughter is to ride the Amtrak this weekend!
She loved riding the Metro in DC last year and now she is going to ride a BIG train. I am hoping that Willa wil enjoy it at least half as much as Hazel. This is going to be Willa's first big trip. Tim and I, let me rephrase that, I am nervous. Tim probably couldn't care less, but I have all of those normal parent worries about her getting sick or annoying all the other passengers. Tim would probably be concerned if people stared at us. Haha! Anyway- we are going to Grand Junction, CO for my Hanson Family Reunion. We are riding the Amtrak from Denver through the canyon to Grand Junction with my dad and his cousin, Bobby. Stay tuned for our long weekend excursion, plus pictures! Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Mommy's Day

I got to end my eventful weekend with a great Mother's Day! This Mothers Day was better than most because I now have twice the reason to celebrate! I have two beautiful girls. They are both smart and funny. Tim and I are soooo lucky to have them in our lives!

I got to sleep in an extra hour and it was total bliss! My dad made us all breakfast at my grandma's house and was great!

Tim and the girls each get me a gift that will help me work and relax. Tim got me the Dexter 1st season DVD. My boss said that the show was great and we have been looking for the DVD to rent. It definitly isn't a show for Hazel so it forces Tim and I to make some quiet time for just us! It was a really great thought! Thank you Tim!

I am sooo blessed! We are tired, but soooo blessed!

GG's Birthday Dinner!

The middle part of our chaotic weekend was filled with a birthday dinner for my Grandma, GG, as Hazel calls her. We had a large group go to a place that I lovingly call the broken bucket. My dad and Shianne came into town. My Aunt Kathy and Uncle Dale came in from Green River. Kathy's parents came with us. Grandma and Bruce were there. When we made it there we were practically the cherry on top! We had a great dinner and got to embarrass grandma with a public birthday song! Here are some pictures of us at the party!

I got GG pretty good when I asked the waitor to sing. She was embarrassed but it was well worth it! I though it was amusing to see all the kids in their prom dresses and tuxedo's watching and singing! Our waitor that it was a good time too!

You can tell they are quiet the pair, huh?!?!
They look like they have many tricks up their sleeves. Hazel is very tricky like dad.
Do we look tired? We have only been up since 5:00am and drove 3hours to make it back for dinner! We are still kickin'!!
Happy Birthday GG!!

Doctor Grogan, yep, it's true!

It is true! Tim's Aunt Amber has officially become the first Grogan Doctor!! Congrats Amber!!! We are soooooo proud of you! You are truely an inspiration!

The UW graduation was the beginning of our whirlwind weekend. Amber graduated with her Doctorates in Pharmacy. Now they are relocating to Pinedale. I hear it is beautiful there and i am looking forward to seeing them there.

After the graduation Ron and Amber had a big party at their house. It was a huge party and of course great food! There were 12 kids there under the age of 8! It was crazy! Tim and I just sat and watched in awe. I have attached some pictures of the party and the graduation. Plus , I got a really good picture of the girls with Tim's cousins, Zach and Madison.

It is really great for Hazel to see her cousins. They are second cousins but Hazel doesn't care. She thinks the world of Madison and loves to play with Zach. They will make wonderful role models!

Thanks Ron for the Great food!

Willa's first Hotel Stay!!

This is what Willa did during her first graduation ceremony! What a great baby!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Weekend fun at GG's

Last weekend was crazy to say the least! Let's just say that having two children is finally starting to wear me out. Hazel is an extremely smart little girl and definitly knows how and where to push my buttons! She is amazingly manipulative (like most three year olds)!!! Any way- she ended up spending Saturday at Grandma Janes so that I could cool off!
Sunday, Hazel got to go see GG (my grandma) with Grandpa Steve. They putted around the yard and dad worked hard at keeping Hazel away from the river. Like I said she is manipulative! Tim and I brought Willa over shortly after. Tim mostly worked on our new camper and I worked on Grandma's computer. Hopefully she will get a blog up soon and I will have a follower!
Dad got the camera out and took some new pictures of the girls. It was Willa's two month birthday on Sunday and she is getting sooooo big. She changes literally every day! The picture above is her standing face. She looks like she is about to pick a fight! She could totally pull off the bully thing! Hazel finally got her chance to go down to the river. Dad took her down to see the river before we all went home. She kept calling it the pool and she wanted to go swimming! Knowing Miss Independant, she would probably just jump right in!
We will have to spend more time out there this summer since Hazel is getting so big. There is so much to play with out there and have grand adventures! I remember some of my own adventures in that huge yard on the river! It seems like forever ago!!!
Next weekend we will have ANOTHER crazy weekend! Maybe I will get some well-deserved rest and relaxation for Mother's Day!!! Ha- Ya right!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Coalition Night at the Calvary

Last week the Natrona County Prevention Coalition had their annual Coalition Night with the Calvary. Subsequently, this was also Willa's first football game (arena football that is.) A lot of you probably know that I do some work with the Coalition. They are affiliated with Mercer House and we do a lot of community projects together. Anyway- every year, since working at Mercer House, Tim and I have joined in the fun and sold 50/50 tickets at the Calvary game and spread the word about the Coalition. It is usually a WHOLE family affair! I like selling the tickets and talking to stangers! Tim likes throwing free stuff at people from the field! No footballs this year:(

Mike loves going to ANY sports event and Jane will do anything if the grandkids are involved. Hazel loves the kids parade which is what is going on in the attached pictures. The first picture is Hazel and Jane walking on the field in the kids parade. They are carrying signs with the Coalitions new campaign, Parents Who Host Lose The Most. Hazel was stoked that she got to carry a sign! The Coalition did pretty well on the 50/50 ticket sales. A lucky gentleman (to bad is wasn't me) won an amazing prize of $570! I have to give some props to Deb Walton who sold an amazing amount of tickets! I am sure her legs were killing her the next day from going up and down and up and down those stairs! Great Job Deb!

This was Willa's first football game and she wasn't all that interested. She mostly slept. She did stay up long enough to do some cheering (with some of Tims help)! Ya- she doesn't look that thrilled! Hahaha

Tim was all hyped up after "chucking" frisbees at screaming kids and unsuspecting adults when he came back to our seats and started roughing up Hazel. She wasn't all that interested in having her picture taken. She is going to be like her Grandpa Mike, a big sportsman!

All and All, Coalition Night went well. It was fun since we had not been to a Calvary game for a long time. Plus, Mike can't say we wouldn't go with him! That was your one game Mike!