My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Weekend fun at GG's

Last weekend was crazy to say the least! Let's just say that having two children is finally starting to wear me out. Hazel is an extremely smart little girl and definitly knows how and where to push my buttons! She is amazingly manipulative (like most three year olds)!!! Any way- she ended up spending Saturday at Grandma Janes so that I could cool off!
Sunday, Hazel got to go see GG (my grandma) with Grandpa Steve. They putted around the yard and dad worked hard at keeping Hazel away from the river. Like I said she is manipulative! Tim and I brought Willa over shortly after. Tim mostly worked on our new camper and I worked on Grandma's computer. Hopefully she will get a blog up soon and I will have a follower!
Dad got the camera out and took some new pictures of the girls. It was Willa's two month birthday on Sunday and she is getting sooooo big. She changes literally every day! The picture above is her standing face. She looks like she is about to pick a fight! She could totally pull off the bully thing! Hazel finally got her chance to go down to the river. Dad took her down to see the river before we all went home. She kept calling it the pool and she wanted to go swimming! Knowing Miss Independant, she would probably just jump right in!
We will have to spend more time out there this summer since Hazel is getting so big. There is so much to play with out there and have grand adventures! I remember some of my own adventures in that huge yard on the river! It seems like forever ago!!!
Next weekend we will have ANOTHER crazy weekend! Maybe I will get some well-deserved rest and relaxation for Mother's Day!!! Ha- Ya right!!

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