My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Coalition Night at the Calvary

Last week the Natrona County Prevention Coalition had their annual Coalition Night with the Calvary. Subsequently, this was also Willa's first football game (arena football that is.) A lot of you probably know that I do some work with the Coalition. They are affiliated with Mercer House and we do a lot of community projects together. Anyway- every year, since working at Mercer House, Tim and I have joined in the fun and sold 50/50 tickets at the Calvary game and spread the word about the Coalition. It is usually a WHOLE family affair! I like selling the tickets and talking to stangers! Tim likes throwing free stuff at people from the field! No footballs this year:(

Mike loves going to ANY sports event and Jane will do anything if the grandkids are involved. Hazel loves the kids parade which is what is going on in the attached pictures. The first picture is Hazel and Jane walking on the field in the kids parade. They are carrying signs with the Coalitions new campaign, Parents Who Host Lose The Most. Hazel was stoked that she got to carry a sign! The Coalition did pretty well on the 50/50 ticket sales. A lucky gentleman (to bad is wasn't me) won an amazing prize of $570! I have to give some props to Deb Walton who sold an amazing amount of tickets! I am sure her legs were killing her the next day from going up and down and up and down those stairs! Great Job Deb!

This was Willa's first football game and she wasn't all that interested. She mostly slept. She did stay up long enough to do some cheering (with some of Tims help)! Ya- she doesn't look that thrilled! Hahaha

Tim was all hyped up after "chucking" frisbees at screaming kids and unsuspecting adults when he came back to our seats and started roughing up Hazel. She wasn't all that interested in having her picture taken. She is going to be like her Grandpa Mike, a big sportsman!

All and All, Coalition Night went well. It was fun since we had not been to a Calvary game for a long time. Plus, Mike can't say we wouldn't go with him! That was your one game Mike!

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