My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Doctor Grogan, yep, it's true!

It is true! Tim's Aunt Amber has officially become the first Grogan Doctor!! Congrats Amber!!! We are soooooo proud of you! You are truely an inspiration!

The UW graduation was the beginning of our whirlwind weekend. Amber graduated with her Doctorates in Pharmacy. Now they are relocating to Pinedale. I hear it is beautiful there and i am looking forward to seeing them there.

After the graduation Ron and Amber had a big party at their house. It was a huge party and of course great food! There were 12 kids there under the age of 8! It was crazy! Tim and I just sat and watched in awe. I have attached some pictures of the party and the graduation. Plus , I got a really good picture of the girls with Tim's cousins, Zach and Madison.

It is really great for Hazel to see her cousins. They are second cousins but Hazel doesn't care. She thinks the world of Madison and loves to play with Zach. They will make wonderful role models!

Thanks Ron for the Great food!

Willa's first Hotel Stay!!

This is what Willa did during her first graduation ceremony! What a great baby!

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