My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Cookies and Football at Granny's

This saturday we spent the day at Grandma Janes and made Christmas cookies and watched ALOT of football! The day started with the University of Sioux Falls in the Championship game. This is the college that Tim's brother, Tom, went to and coached for two years. It was a close game but they pulled through in the end and won. They have been the champion for the last 3 out of 4 years! Go cougars! Willa would rather eat footballs than watch it!

Willa started crawling this week and she is into everything! It is fun watching her discover all that she can do. Also this week, Willa decided to start giving the cheesiest smile and we all approve. She is very cute! Hazel helped Willa to have her first rocking horse ride this weekend. Willa doesn't really hold on well but Hazel kept her up there. Willa loved the ride, either that or she loved everyone watching her! Who knows!

When Willa layed down for her nap grandma and Hazel busted out all of the cookie junk. Hazel was a pro at licking the beaters!

We should have taken pictures of Sommer helping, that was pretty funny! Sommer did get it done and the cookies didn't kill us! Good Job Sommer!!!!

While the girls and I spent the day at grandma's Tim had a dodgeball tournament. This year the YMCA had a "Last man standing" contest. Tim entered and won! There were about 40 people in the contest and it was every man (and woman) for themselves. Tim won a plaque and got his picture taken for the YMCA. He is hoping that the picture doesn't end up in the newspaper, I personally think that this would be hilarious!! Any-way, Tim hasn't shut up about being the last man standing. I am sure that I just might kill him and become the last woman standing!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

New Favorites

We got a new camera for our christmas present! These are my new favorites for the girls!

Happy Birthday Hazel!

Our baby girl is 4!!!!!

I am soooooo behind! I haven't had enough time to even to get on the computer. Anyway-last month was Hazel's 4th birthday. We had a small pizza party at my office. Hazel had two friends from school come over and they played with everything (they atleast pulled EVERY toy out).

This was Willa's reaction to the party. It took her a good 20 minutes to get used to balloons, she was quiet unsure of them!
We had lost of family and close friends come by. All of the boys hid in the kitchen untill the pizza showed up. This is my close friend Jenny's new baby, Ryne. This is what he did during his first birthday party.

Danielle thought is what time for Hazel have some diversity in her life and got Hazel her first "African American" baby doll. This is a very important prized pocession in our household. With some help from Danielle, Hazel has lovingly named this baby........ are you ready for it?..............Shanay-nay.

Thank you so much to all of our family and friends that came to enjoy this day with us! I know that Hazel had a fun time and that she appreciates all of the gifts you have all showered her with!

I know that in the last couples weeks Tim and I have realized how big Hazel has grown, physically and emotionally. She is an amazing young lady! Her attitude could use a little help but what 4 year old doesn't?!?! She is such a great big sister! She truely loves her sister Willa and loves sharing and taking care of her. I don't think that we could have timed our kiddos any better!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Happy Halloween!

This year Hazel and Willa went as Little Bo Peep and her sheep! Tim wasn't pleased with this decision, being a younger sibling. Aparently, he has a side kick issue! It's ok hon, we will make Hazel be Willa's sidekick next year!

They were sooooo cute! I was very impressed with the Bo Peep costume that I ordered. It was beautiful!

The Thursday prior to Halloween the girls had a party at their daycare. All of the kiddo's at the daycare were soooo cute! Here is Hazel hamming it up.

And then Willa and her "deer-in-the-headlights". She was still uber-cute!Here is Willa in her Halloween Hat. Thanks Starla!! I wish I had one that would have fit me! She doesn't look very pleased in the picture, but she really didn't mind it!

My mom and sister came in to town for the weekend. Halloween is also my mom's birthday and we went to dinner to celebrate.
Here is Hazel in her Aunt Tricia's glasses, she is a diva. Besides car troubles and
stiff legs Halloween went well. Thank god I got rid of all the candy!

Getting ready for Halloween!

I know it is late BUT... we carved pumkins two weeks ago. (I have been really busy!) Anyway- Mike and Jane came over and we did three pumpkins. Hazel was pretty funny this year because she was ok with sticking her hands inside the pumpkin. Last year she had nothing to do with it! We had a pretty good assembly line going and Hazel was at the end carving with Jane.
Hazel is showing us all of her seeds. I picked, sifted, washed and baked all of the seeds from all three pumpkins and ended up with almost a whole gallon bag full of seeds. To bad I couldn't eat them on my diet and Tim took them to work.

Poor Willa missed out on all the fun. She wasn't very interested in pumpkins, maybe next year!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Halloween Jammies

The pennies are definitly pinched this year but we found some cool jammies at Walmart last weekend and thought we could swing it. They are pink with glow-in-the-dark skeltons on them. Hazel was very excited about glowing and as you can expect, Willa didn't care! I wanted to take pictures of the girls in their matching jammies but Willa was refusing to leave her daddies lap. Hazel hopped on and tried to get Willa to smile for the camera. I swear Willa really does smile and even laughs. When ever the camera comes out she gets the "deer in the headlights" look. Here are some attempts at capturing her smile.

This one is pretty close!
Here is the ham, I think that smile gets bigger and cheesier each day!
This picture was in the pitch black bathroom. I thought that maybe we could get the glowing skelton (we were wrong!)

Photography by Hazel

Hazel has been camera crazy lately. We bought her a playskool camera last year for her birthday and now she has evolved to my camera. I thought that these photos were pretty funny. I may have a future photographer on my hands!
This is Tim's "Cheeeeeessssee" face, it's pretty good, huh?!?!

Willa is only 8 months old and already sick of Hazel and the camera. Now, Willa just ignores her big sister!
Hazel told me I had to wear the bonnet from her halloween costume for this picture. I tell ya, she's a nut!


The girls were dressed and ready for Monday Night Football! Tim and I stayed up late and watched the game. I can't beleive that my life is so wrapped up in football (of all things). My parents were never into football and we never watched it as kids. I married into a crazy family!
Anyway- the game was good and their were some close calls. I am sure that we will be dressed and ready to cheer again next week. Lets hear it for 7-0!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Great Quote

"To expect innovation without support is hallucination."

I saw this today and thought that this was a great quote. I know that I could use this reminder quiet often! I am going to send this quote, some great wishes and relaxation to my new boss!
Just remember you have a team here to help you!

Tim's First Elk

Last week was the opening of Elk season in the Shirley's. This is the first year that Tim drew an Elk License, let alone a Bull! He was very excited to get out there, even with the snow. My dad and Uncle went out to help Tim find his bull. After two days and a lot of "old-man-miscommunication" he got it! I know that Tim had a great time and is really excited. The processor already finished all the meat so we have an over-loaded freezer and the rack should be done soon. Tim is so proud of himself and it will be great to have the rack here at the house. I told Tim that if he shot a bull I would mount it for him and Tim just got lucky with a 6 by6!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Same old stuff

Both of my girls are getting so big! Hazel had her first Dentist appointment last week and she did pretty well until they squirted water in her mouth. The water sent her over the edge! Tim has been gone a lot with work and hunting. I am holding it together but definitly need a vacation! We are still working on getting Willa to sleep through the night. She is getting a lot better at going back to sleep after getting up. Honestly, I don't have much to report. It has pretty much been the same old stuff in the last couple weeks. Here are a couple of pictures to see how big they are now!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Working on new blogs!

The Grogan house has been sick! I am working on some new blogs and pictures it has just been crazy at our house! Hazel was sick last week and Willa won't tolerate being put down. I am getting ready for a garage sale this weekend and Tim is leaving for his big hunting trip tomorrow. I am hoping that my mom still plans on coming to Casper this weekend! Wish me luck and I promise I will get my blog updated soon!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Trail Center

Before ending our snake-filled day we went over to the Trail Center since it was free during the Expo. Tim had never been there so it was kinda cool. Hazel actually liked watching the movie with the statues that lit up. I think that her favorite part was croosing the North Platte in a wagon. Wasn't that everyone's favorite part?

Sportsmans Expo 2009 (otherwise known as torture mom with snakes 2009)

Last weekend Tim, Dad and I took Hazel and Willa to the Sportsman Expo up at the event Center. I knew that Hazel would enjoy going up there to see all the cool stuff, plus I had heard that the Game and Fish were doing some stuff with snakes. Well, Hazel has warped into a little boy this summer! She has a fascination with grasshoppers, ants, dinosaurs and mostly anything creepy-crawly. Anywho- I think that dad would have fun with us so we all head up to the event center with all of the crap we have to take everywhere for Willa. We go through and look at all nice stuff you can buy and then get down into some of the fun stuff. Hazel got to shoot a laser gun at deer for ethics training. We waited in line and watched about 12 kids get their turn and leave it to my child to yell "I shot the tiny one!" She must have got her ethics from her Great Grandpa Hanson!

At the kids corner Hazel made a bird feeder which was pretty easy. They just rolled pine cones in lard and then in bird seed. Pretty easy for a kids project and not to expensive. I may have to do those later next spring!There was also a guy that had a bunch of different animal hides. Hazel was pretty nervous about the bigs ones. There was a girl there a little bit older than Hazel and she put the wolf hide on and that freaked Hazel out a bit. She was willing to down grade to the raccoon. At one of the Game and Fish booths they were having kids fish for candy. Hazel needed a little help with her eye-hand coordination but she got some pretty good candy from it. For some reason all of those Game and Fish employees thought that Hazel just needed a ton of junk to go home with. If she is that cute I should put her on the street with her playskool keyboard, she can start paying rent!And last, but not least, the snakes. I don't know what I was thinking taking Hazel to this thing because Tim isn't remotely interested in snakes and my dad just hates them. Soooooo, I am the one walking Hazel through the snake exhibit and sitting with her during the speach from the snake lady at the game and fish. Lucky me, I had more snakes within 6 inches on me in one day that I have had in 10 feet of me my whole life! Hazel just loved it to death. The bull snake wasn't that intimidating since it's jaw was broken so it couldn't really bite if it wanted to. The only one that I thought was kinda cool was the pignose snake in the picture above. He had a smushed nose like a pug! Hazel liked that one too!

I lived (with no snake bites) and made it home safely. Thankfully I didn't have any nightmares!

Willa is 6 months old!

It has been 6 months since Willa was born and it has wizzed by! She is getting so big and beginning to look a lot like her daddy. She started eating babyfood at 4 months but she has just recently decided to like it. She is sitting up on her own and last week we had to move her out of her infant car seat. She is 16 1/2 lbs and 26 in. That puts her in the 75th percentile for her height and the 50th percentile for her weight.
She is very much a daddy's girl and likes to watch baseball with him. I think that I am stuck with sports, even the girls are against me!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Finished the book!

I finished Jenny's baby shower Book tonight! I am excited and pretty proud of myself! It turned out really well! At the baby shower I had all the guests right advice or words of encouragement and now I have put them in the book along with the winners of the games we played. I have some room for pictures of opening presents and the cake. It finishes with an introduction for Mr. Ryne Nate Dyer! I am so excited to have a picture of him to put in the book! It should be any day! I think that I may be counting the hours just as badly as Jenny is. You would think that I was a having another baby! Good thing I'm not! Here are some pictures of the Shower I threw for Jenny and her baby book. FYI- the cake was made and decorated by Danielle Botz- she is amazing!