My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

BBQ's and Sparklers!

Since Tim and I were in Deadwood on Tom's Birthday and they were leaving for Mexico that week they pushed his birthday celebration back to the 4th of July. It was a large group and there was lots of good food! Since it was the 4th of July we had to drag out all of the fireworks from last year and Hazel and Wyatt got to practice their sparkler skills. Wyatt is Tom and Sommers neighbors kiddo. He is 2 and half and he actually liked it when Hazel bossed him around. I was in shock! Anyway, Wyatt had never had sparklers before and I think that we had more fun watching the kiddos that they did actually playing with them. Hazel was pretty practiced so whe wasn't as much fun to watch. (Not to mention that she is a dare-devil and not afraid of anything!) Wyatt on the other hand was not to keen on holding fire. He kept forgetting that it was in his hand and trying to set his mom, missy, on fire. It was soooo funny.
We also had poppers and Wyatt caught on to that art pretty quickly. Hazel was helping him throw just right so that they would pop every time. Again, the boss! During all of this mayhem, Willa slept through her first 4th of July. She wasn't all that interested and couldn't really care less about annoying things that made a bunch of racket.
Happy Birthday Tom and I hope that it was a good one. You definitly kicked my behind at Ladderball!

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