My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Yay!! It's Parade Day!!!

Well the all-special day of the parade has arrived! Mercer House closes during the parade so I packed up all the junk, went to the gas station for goodies and made the insane sprint for a seat on the sunny street. This year I planned on sitting at the very beginning of the parade. This was a good thing and yet a bad thing too! It was good that we were done by 11:30 and I could get the girls to Jane's house before having to open up at Mercer House at 1:00. The bad part was that the beginning of the parade always gets doused with candy and Hazel acquired more candy in that hour and a half than she has collected in three years of Halloweens!!!! It has been a fight ever since. She wants candy breakfast, lunch and dinner (and every time in between)!!! Of course, she doesn't like it when she hears no.
Anyway- the parade was a hit. We found a place on a corner where I could hide the stroller behind a light pole and block the majority of sun for Willa. Hazel and I lubed up on sunscreen and sat it out. A couple of ladies with a four year old sat down beside us and the two girls had a great time picking up candy. Some of the floats handed out some great stuff too! We both ended up with Popsicles AND hotdogs! Plus they were handing out free water. It was a good time and a good crowd. Here is Hazel and her prized bag of candy! It is not even a quarter full at this point! Arg!!! She ended up filling up this entire bag and the tray on Willa's Stroller! She was very proud!

Willa had her first popsicle at the parade and she liked it! She was pretty funny trying to gum it. She drooled a lot but when does she not?!
She is a very happy girl! Their is a very big grin under that darn plug!
We had a great time. I know that we will be looking forward to the parade again next year!

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