My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lions and Tigers and ....Dinosaurs, WHAT?!

While in Grand Junction I decided to take the girls to the Dinosuar Museum in Fruita which is about 5 miles from Grand Junction. I told my dad and grandma and thought that they would like to come too. Soooo we all piled into the cars and made our way down the interstate to Fruita! Hazel was very excited but Willa slept. She didn't car all that much about dinosaurs. It was a pretty cool exibit! If you asked Hazel about the museum she would tell you that she hurt her knee and it bled on the floor. This happened but it wasn't as dramatic as she recalls! Here are some pictures!
You can't pass up a ride on a long neck! Haha, bad joke!

My girls with the stegasaurus. The dino's moved when you pushed the button. Hazel wasn't to crazy about this feature but she got used to it.

This is where Hazel decided to fall off of the step to the dig box and bust her knee. (Again, not as bad as she would tell you!)
Here Tricia and Hazel are digging up real dino bones. They made a huge sand box and buried gigantic bones in to be dug up. It was pretty cool, expecially the fact that they got to dig for REAL bones.
Here we are waiting for the spitting dinosaur to spit on us, yeah!!!!
She decided to wake up just in time to get back in the car! Yeah me!
Here is our "Dino Group" and we are on our way to screaming children in the car!! Again, Yeah Me!!!!

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