My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

My Fam-Damily

For the first time in almost 4 years I got to see my cousin, Amber, and her kiddos, Destiny and Haley! Andrea, her sister, was there too and we got to spend the evening together and let our kids get to know each other. The last time I saw them I was in the hospital in labor with Hazel. It is so strange to be together and have our own kids now. I remember being in Jr. High and having Amber and Andria come stay with us for a while during the summer. We had so much fun! It feels like forever ago! Now our kids are having all the fun and they seem pretty good at it! Hazel and Haley are almost exactly 6 months apart and they are now best friends for life! They were unsepartable the whole evening! They had to eat the same thing at dinner and walked around holding hands. I just know that they are going to have a blast in Grand Junction this weekend! This is my cousin, Amber, and the two best friends. Aren't they cute?!
Here are all the girls (minus Patricia) at dinner with GG. She wanted to have her picture taken with all of her great-granddaughters and we thought that we would throw ourselves in the picture too! We missed you Patricia but we will have LOTS of Photo-ops this weekend!

Here are the girls at my house before dinner. We had a great time! Destiny just loved Willa to death. She played and held her most of the day! Destiny OBVIOUSLY needs another baby sister! (Note: check out Destiny holding Willa's head so that she will look at the camera!! Hahaha Priceless!)

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