My So-called life............. I call it a circus!

I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Oh, the rides!

This year Hazel was tall enough to ride a lot of the kiddo rides at the fair. She was excited to get to ride. We started with the boats and that seemed to be pretty uneventful. She wanted to try the planes and I thought that that she would be scared since they go up and down. I was wrong! First of all, the kiddo gets to pull a lever that makes the plane go up and down so she got to decide if it went up and down. Second, she ABSOLUTELY loved it. She would pull the lever and hold it up so that she would go circles in the air. She would look down at us when she went over us and scream with excitement! It was great fun. I can't remember laughing that hard in a long time! Aunt Sommer went on the roller coaster with Hazel and I was wrong again. I thought that she would be scared but she did the whole ride with her hands in the air! What a crazy girl!!!

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